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Lyme Disease

ZEUS Borrelia MTTT®: A paradigm shift in testing for Lyme disease

ZEUS Scientific has the expertise you deserve. Partner with the pioneering experts in Lyme disease testing since 1987.


Lyme disease, if diagnosed and treated early, can be cured completely, however early cases are often missed by standard lab testing methods - delaying the proper treatment.1

Now there's a better way!


The all-ELISA ZEUS Borrelia Modified Two-Tiered Testing (MTTT) algorithm


The first FDA-cleared all-ELISA ZEUS Borrelia MTTT is the simple, sensitive and specific alternative that is changing the game in Lyme disease testing.


  • Proven* to significantly reduce the number of missed clinically positive patient samples while maximizing lab efficiency.
  • Replaces the second-tier immunoblot test with a second ZEUS ELISA
  • Improves overall lab workflow and cost efficiency



In recent clinical studies, ZEUS Borrelia MTTT demonstrated superior sensitivity  vs. the Standard Two-Tiered Testing (STTT) algorithm with comparable specificity.




It’s time for a paradigm shift in Lyme disease testing.


Watch our webinar "Paradigm Shift in Lyme Disease Testing" and learn about the importance of early Lyme disease detection and the how a paradigm shift in testing can make a real difference to patients. 

Daniel Zweitzig, PhD, Vice President of Research & Development at ZEUS Scientific, reviews the history of Lyme disease and chronicles ZEUS’s 35-year journey of pioneering new Lyme disease diagnostics.  From the first FDA-cleared Lyme Serology product to the first and only FDA-cleared Borrelia MTTT algorithm.


Missed the feature on the ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm on Lifetime’s Access Health?

Watch as Host Ereka Vetrini and Dr. Raymond Dattwyler, M.D. discuss the history of Lyme disease testing, and the importance of the ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm, the breakthrough in early Lyme disease testing.


Let's change the game together!

To learn how easy it is to adopt the ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm in your laboratory, e-mail us today!

To speak with an Account Manager about  ZEUS Borrelia MTTT or our broad menu of simple and flexible infectious disease and autoimmune disease test systems, please call 1-800-286-2111 or (908) 526-3744.




1 http://professionals.site.apic.org/bugs-and-outbreaks/lyme-disease/


*Data on file at ZEUS Scientific