Still using STTT for Lyme disease? How long until you miss someone you know?
Upgrade your Lab's Lyme Disease Testing with ZEUS Borrelia MTTT®
Behind every laboratory result is a patient who deserves a more accurate test. Implement ZEUS Scientific's Borrelia Modified Two-Tiered Testing (MTTT) algorithm and see what you have been missing: nearly double your lab's detection of early Lyme disease.
Fact: Lyme disease is the largest vector borne disease in the USA. CDC estimates that approximately 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year.
Fact: In a 2022 Journal of Clinical Microbiology publication*, ZEUS Borrelia MTTT was shown to detect nearly double the cases of early Lyme disease compared to the Standard Two-Tiered Testing (STTT) algorithm.
Fact: Early diagnosis and proper antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease is important and can help prevent late Lyme disease**
The ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm consolidates both testing tiers with one ELISA method that follows ZEUS’s universal protocol. See what you have been missing by using the ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithm and replace outdated immunoblots with a 2nd tier ELISA.
Trust the experts in Lyme disease testing.
Test with Confidence. Test with ZEUS.
Simplify and improve your Lyme disease testing. Learn more at or email us at
The ZEUS Scientific Team
* Both ZEUS Borrelia MTTT algorithms are significantly more sensitive in patients with acute EM (erythema migrans) compared with STTT. The difference is most pronounced with MTTT-2, using this approach, the number of EM cases detected nearly doubled in comparison with STTT (74% versus 41%)”. Of the 61 patients tested with confirmed EM, ZEUS MTTT-2 detected 45 while STTT detected 25 (74% vs 41%)
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