AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Instrument
One sample. One well. Multiple assays. Improved efficiency.
Perform multiple assays with a single sample with the AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test analyzer, built by Luminex® Corporation on the Luminex® 100/200™ System using xMAP® Technology. This multiplex, fluorescent, bead-based system offers a simple and efficient alternative to indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing.
- Integrates key xMAP detection components such as lasers, optics, fluidics, and high-speed digital signal processors
- Patented Intra-Well Calibration Technology® runs calibrator beads in the same well, at the same time with your patient sample under the same conditions—why calibrate any other way? Also significantly increases the number of reportable wells per run
- Customized software, now compatible with Luminex xPONENT® software
- Universal assay protocol for AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test Systems
- SAVe Diluent® verification system to ensure no well is missed
- Flexible software with many reporting options—choose the results you want to see and report
Explore our infectious and autoimmune disease assays for AtheNA Multi-Lyte®.
Find more information about the Luminex® 100/200™ System with xMAP® Technology.