Tech Tips
AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test System “0” Result
Often a quantitative result of zero “0” is generated for an AtheNA Multi-Lyte® with a qualitative result of negative and appears as such on the printed report.
Multiple Marker Positivity on the AtheNA Multi-LyteANA Test Systems
It is not uncommon to see ANA patients with multiple positive (+) antibodies.
Invalid (INV Results)
The “Status” column on both the Interpretive and Numeric Results tab and printout indicates whether the individual sample run passed or failed internal quality control (QC).
Invalid NSC Samples on the AtheNA Multi-Lyte® EBVVCA IgM Test System(Part Number A92101M)
Each AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test System contains a bead mix which includes a non-specific control (NSC) bead designed to measure non-specific interactions. If there is too much activity on the NSC bead, Intra-Well Calibration Technology® will invalidate that particular result.
Frequently Asked Questions on the HEp-2 Bead
The HEp-2 Bead can be found in the bead suspension of the following AtheNA Multi-Lyte® ANA Test Systems: AtheNA Multi-Lyte® ANA II Plus (PN:A21101), and AtheNA Multi-Lyte® ANA III (PN:A22001).
Frequently Asked Questions on Control Values between AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test System Lot Numbers
The AtheNA Multi-Lyte® control values should not be expected to remain consistent from lot to lot. With every different test system lot number, different control values and ranges should be expected and are common.
AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Control Graphs
The AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test System software provides several Control Graph options. Each one will enables the user to generate and print a graph for each control (kit or in-house) of a selected Test System.
BioTek (Model:ELx 50)Filter Plate Washer Adjustment Procedure
BioTek filter plate washers may require adjustments in order to compensate for wear and filter plate variability. The optimization of wash aspiration pressure and length of aspiration time will ensure optimal AtheNA Multi-Lyte® read times.
Manual Filter Plate Washer Adjustments for the AtheNA Multi-Lyte®Test System Wash Procedure
When performing the AtheNA Multi-Lyte® Test System procedure wash step on a manual filter plate washer, it is critical that the Washer being used is properly set up to ensure optimal assay read times and results.
Follow the guidelines outlined here to ensure that the manual filter plate washer is properly set up.
- Procedure to Properly Name Batch Files